Saturday, January 23, 2016

Do You Trust Barack Objma's Kiss? : Comparatively Speaking?

Why do you think so many among us are willing to accept our leader's kiss of death? Did you watch the God Farther series on TV? No?

You have to understand it's the same thing as when Don Corleone  gave the kiss of death to those he wanted dead.

Still not convinced?

Who voted twice to keep him in office, the democrats, and who stayed home, the Republicans to make sure he stayed in office that would bring pestilence  failure as the new norm?

Again, why is this so hard to understand? Mr Objma wants us all morally and finically dead. He told us this before he was elected in 2008.

He is activity working to destroy our way of life, our society that was given to us by centuries of sacrifice by others that came before, and a way of life that give Mr Objma his way of life. It also gave him the opportunity to gain the highest office in the land, and his chance to avenge his father that was killed by his opposition to those the didn't believe he was right.

Ever wonder why Mr Objma entire history is mostly unknown except for his past accomplishment to fester class warfare, shredding our Constitution, destruction of American history and set the world afire with wars on three continents.

What is Barack's motivation? Barack's father was a communist and a Muslim warrior against the British. Apparently the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree.

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