Friday, January 15, 2016

Benghazi Movie Highlignts Gov. Negligence : Political Negligent Homicide

After reading the book and now waiting to see the movie concerning the murder of 4 Americans by our political leaders is such a source of frustration and angary that it is a struggle to contain. It would be so easy to take this frustration and anger out on even the slightest irregular satiation that might come up in the family or while one is behind the wheel of your car or while shopping at the mall where everyone is pushing had shoving for you to get out of there way? Negligent

But it's not just a face to face threat of confrontation resulting from this constant attack from the Objma administration on all fronts of common sense, simple logic and pride of country, but what is nearly impossible to comprehend or just understand the agenda of someone, that we all thought is a normal person, but in reality appears to be something completely different then anything we have ever seen now or in our 237 year history.

The president of the United States has indicated by his actions he does not like this country or it's people. How does one comprehend such a situation?

Mr Objma, and his cohorts heading up all of the federal agencies that are knowingly and willfully doing every thing in their collective power to destroys our way of life that has brought us so much prosperity and freedom. Why would they do this?

How do you understand someone that is enjoying all of the fruits of our past history, the president and his followers in those agencies, and yet they work so diligently to take those freedoms and liberties away from everyone else? What is their motivation to do this? Why would so many believe or are ignorant of policies that will be destructive to them selves and their families, then vote for more of the same? Why it lost on so many among us that progressive liberal socialism democrat ideology and agenda is destructive?

Can it be just an ideology of progressive socialism, or is it something else entirely?

What Michael Bay’s ‘13 Hours’ Reveals About the Benghazi Attacks
Dakota Wood               

Director Michael Bay’s “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” is a dramatic recounting of the half-dozen CIA security contractors (former SEALs, Marines, and an Army Ranger) who responded to the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission compound in Benghazi, Libya, and a nearby covert CIA intelligence collection facility.

Bay does a credible job of telling the story of great personal courage, both moral and physical, demonstrated by these men in doing what needed to be done to protect fellow Americans.
The film clearly makes the case that more could have been done, highlighting the Obama administration’s inaction that directly contributed to the loss of four Americans (Ambassador Chris Stevens, a U.S. Foreign Service information officer, and two security contractors, both former Navy SEALs).

As a movie, it is best in its action scenes and in conveying the confusion and ambiguity that accompany such situations.

Reading an evolving security situation; knowing when to pull a trigger and, often more importantly, when not to; and knowing how to keep one’s presence of mind when the world seems to be collapsing around you—“13 Hours” shows how heroic the accomplishments of “Rone,” “Tanto,” “Tig,” “Oz,” “Boon,” and Silva were in this regard throughout the crisis.

Bay took great care in getting the details right by enlisting the support of some of the security team heroes who were actually involved at Benghazi and who are at the center of the story. The equipment, tactics, trash-talking, and sequence of events are all spot on as a result.

The movie loses some of its steam during the quieter moments between attacks, when the dialogue falters and the acting seems stilted. If you are looking for a film that maintains its power and intensity throughout, re-watch Clint Eastwood’s “American Sniper.” Still, it is well worth seeing, especially as a counter to the less well-grounded story promoted by President Barack Obama’s national security team.

As depicted in the movie, and substantiated in the book from which the movie is drawn and the personal testimony before Congress of those involved on the ground in Benghazi, multiple calls were made by those at the CIA facility for support and reinforcement—calls that were met with silence from Hillary Clinton’s State Department, David Petraeus’ CIA, and Leon Panetta’s Department of Defense.

“13 Hours” shows us that the attacks were planned, coordinated, and executed with brutal purpose and did not occur as a spontaneous uprising spurred by a third-rate video, as stated by Obama’s spokespeople. It also shows us what can be done by people who truly do care and are willing to accept great personal and professional risk to aid others in distress.

Lastly, it should not go unmentioned that the leader of one of the Libyan terror groups, Ansar al-Sharia, in Darnah, who attacked the U.S. mission and CIA facility, was reportedly Abu Sufian bin Qumu, who had been detained at Guantanamo but was released in 2007. Various reports cite a recidivism rate of those released from Guantanamo of nearly one-third, surely something to keep in mind as Obama seeks to close the detention facility before the end of his final year in office.

See the movie to be reminded of the character of the men and women who work every day to defend our country and of the consequences when leadership fails to provide the support they deserve.

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