It seems the political mind of the progressive socialists and the fat cat union organizer is stuck in one gear, more power and more money, and is over revving the engine of common sense to the point where it will destroy the very power that moves a society forward.
The progressive believes the timing is perfect to demand more money for depressed people living on the edge of poverty, those that have no education or are just starting out in life's working world, to drive home the ideology of getting something without the dedication to hard work,  or increased responsibility. 
By raising the minimum wage high enough to ensure an entry level job will support a family of four will guarantee just the opposite.
Enter lever jobs are small business jobs, and to believe the small business has deep pockets is to believe the progressive has the best interest of the enter level worker at heart. This can not be further from the truth. The progressive socialist has one thing in mind and that is to destroy the work ethic by promising more money for less work and responsibility. The politician tells the hopeful, all anyone has to do to obtain the free ride is vote the right way. 
The smiling progressive liberal politician, with his arm around the employee standing in the picket line demanding more money, is at the same time, with the other had is picking his pocket, stealing what little money he has now and laughing in side knowing he is not only making money here, but expanding his voter base when they all get laid off as the business closes or pare down the work force because they can't afford to keep the workers due to the increased wage demand.
For the progressive liberal democrat politician, it's a win win saturation.
But no matter, the progressive agenda to bring as many as possible into the fold of dependency surges ahead regardless of the consequences with promises the liberal knows they can never deliver, and if the minimum wages law does pass, the worker will not find easy street, just more poverty.
MacIver Institute: "Raising the Minimum Wage Will Increase Unemployment"
This week, three Democratic legislators unveiled a bill to hike the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, jumping on momentum building around the country to fight "income inequality."
The MacIver Institute, who has done important research on the minimum wage impact in Wisconsin, released the following statement.
"It is not surprising that politicians have once again ignored the facts in the minimum wage debate. It is, after all, an election year and politicians will say anything to get re-elected. The facts are clear. Raising the minimum wage will hurt the exact individuals supporters claim it will help. Raising the minimum wage will lead to fewer opportunities for workers at the starting point in their careers.
"The MacIver Institute's research shows that raising the minimum wage will increase unemployment, leading more individuals to rely on government assistance.
"Since 2002 the minimum wage in Wisconsin has increased from $5.15 per hour to the current $7.25 per hour; meanwhile, the unemployment rate for Wisconsin teens has increased from 15.5 to 19.8, an increase of 27.7 percent over the decade. The higher you artificially inflate the minimum wage, the higher the unemployment rate for young workers.
"Small businesses will not be able to pay the artificially inflated wages and will have to reduce the amount of people they employ and reduce the number of hours worked for the few employees still on payroll.
"The call for a higher minimum wage is nothing more than a stunt."
The MacIver Institute found that as many as 7,109 fewer teenagers are working in Wisconsin today due to increases in minimum wage since 2005.