Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Economy Sliding Backward : Progressive Socialist Ideology of Sameness

Income inequality, the new talking point from the progressives, isn't about some getting richer while others are getting poorer. It's about too many citizens believing what our government is saying about how it isn't necessary to work hard any more, all that is needed is to vote for them, socialist democrats, and they will take care of all your needs. Period!

How wonderful that will be to not have to work for anything, government will provide all of life's necessities.

The problem isn't really a problem, there will always be individuals that will move ahead of others to gain more resources and class position. This supposed inequality of outcomes is a manufactured situation to divide the population, one against the other, class warfare, convincing the uneducated and low information voter to change their thinking about how prosperity is defined, have a dream for the future and pursuing it with hard work and sacrifice, and how individual freedom is essential to pursue that dream is old fashioned, out dated.

The rich did not get rich by themselves, the working class gave it to them through there hard work. The progressive are trying to convince the lower classes that it's time to take the wealth back to where it belongs.

The progressive socialists believe it's time to level the playing field by taking the ill-gotten gain of the rich and dividing it amongst the working classes. This is known as 'Income redistribution'. Classic ideology of progressive socialism.

The new thinking is everyone will be much happier if your neighbor doesn't have anything better then what you have as well as everyone else in town. No one will be rich. No one will better off then you.  Everyone will be the same. Individual freedom will be defined as your ability to cope and understand the new goal of sameness, it isn't necessary to excel or to be better than anyone else, living a life of obedience to the will of others can be accomplishment enough.

Remember the code of socialist communism as defined by Carl Marx, "Each to his own abilities and each to his needs". It just happens this is the same code of the progressive socialist liberal left democrats.

Reviving the Economy
Source: John B. Taylor, "Let It Grow," Hoover institution, January 21, 2014.
January 27, 2014

Higher tax rates and more targeted fiscal policies will not revive the economy, says John B. Taylor, a senior fellow in economics at the Hoover Institution.

Weak economic growth in the United States today is the result of costly regulations that have reduced incentives to hire along with an unpredictable, and unsuccessful, federal monetary policy.

But President Obama points to policies of the 1980s and 1990s as responsible for today's economy. In those years, "Washington doled out bigger tax cuts to the very wealthy and small minimum-wage increases for the working poor," Obama said in July. Those years actually benefited, disproportionately, those with low and middle-level incomes, though income inequality did widen. Why?
  • Returns to education began increasing in the 1980s, as the wage premium for a college degree, compared to a high school diploma, increased.
  • But at the same time, high school graduation rates declined, and the supply of educated students did not respond to that increase in returns on education.
  • Without a great response of supply, those with education rose more quickly, and the United States saw a wider income distribution.
Tax cuts, on the other hand, are not responsible for widening the income distribution. Congressional Budget Office data indicate that the distribution of market income before taxes widened in the 1980s and 1990s by the same amount as the distribution of income after taxes.

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