Monday, January 20, 2014

Commander and Chief Clueless? : America Defenseless Is Good don't know if this is true or not that Mr Obama ordered these five nuclear carriers into port at the same time or that maybe this routine procedure, but given how his ideology driven mind works, it is entirely possible. Anything that Mr Obama can do that will show the world we are not going to defend freedom and Democracy where it is being denied works for the progressive socialists that control our government.

One thing is a sure thing, the progressives believe America is a bad place and needs to reigned in. America needs to punished.

Allowing these five carriers to be in the same place at the same time would give our enemies an opportunity to render our navy toothless with one small nuclear device. Not a good thing for our national security, but similar to Mr Obama's deal with Iran.

But is it just cluelessness or is it more in line with Mr Obama ideology? Total disengagement as a foreign policy while "fundamentally" changing America into a socialist democracy? Many talking heads believe Mr Obama has no ideology, Lou Dobbs on Fox Business channel for one. Dobbs believes he is just incompetent, clueless and or just ignorant of life it self. Dobbs finds Mr Obama laughable but not dangerous. Really? On Fox?

The job of the American people now must be to get our country back from the socialists by deciding our fate in November when we all vote. This will one of the last chances to rescue our country and start the healing, and the last chance will come in 2016.

Failing this will, I guarantee this will seal our fate to a socialist nightmare and that of much of the free world. It's past time for us to understand the power to change the world is actually in our hands and minds. We the people make the ultimate decisions when we vote of who will actually lives or dies, whether in war or in domestic policy like ObamaCare death panels.

Please make the right decision this November and vote for freedom. It's shouldn't be that difficult when you consider the alternative.

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