Friday, January 10, 2014

America In Decline : Willingly Accepted?

This from small town USA - this has been around before but still resonates well in the current political atmosphere.

It's the division, the wedge that is being driven into the public's conscience that we all have to be something that we are not, we have to be told what we are and we have to agree or the consequences will be dire.

Just where this will end is unclear. If it ends in our acquiescence's to the politics of the progressives socialist left liberals which demands our silence to the abuses that are now being forced on all of us with ObamaCare health care, or worse the forced dependence on government rewards of millions that have given up looking for work, we will have to accept our fate of drastic changes to how we live in America.

How many more millions will find dependency a reward after being dropped from their current health care insurance, and they find they don't have health insurance under Mr Obama's
Affordable Care Act plan even after signing on the dotted line. What will they do to make sure they and their family has health care? Only one option remains, beg for assistance from Mr Obama government.

With the help of the media that demonizes anyone that dares to criticizes Mr Obama's ideology of social engineering to accomplish equality among the classes, other then his himself or his party friends, of course, it seem to be lost on so many that Mr Obama is not genuine his efforts to level the playing field for everyone, just a select few.

Worse still, for the country, is the fact that is becoming more apparent to even the low information votes is Mr Obama lack of courage in the face of conflict. Mr Obama has demonstrated that he will never take the a position that will define an outcome, he only decide in favor of further study and therefore allow situations to go unresolved, witness nearly all domestic proposals, Keystone pipe line, immigration  or job creation to mention just a few, or foreign entanglements that he refuses to make coherent decisions for fear of negative outcomes that will reflect poorly on him and his ideology of nonaggression and isolation. Whether it's Syria, China, Russia or Iran, it all boils down to his inability to make decisions.

I believe Mr Obama is conflicted between two ideologies which run side by side causing his indecisive attitude. The first is his belief that this country has a bad reputation in the world for being a bully, using and abusing the resources of lesser countries that can't defend themselves from our power, and if he actually helps this country in it endeavors to prosper he will become complicit crimes against all humanity.

Secondly, his back ground of community organization activity in Chicago and his study of progressive socialists and communists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Saul Alinsky, far left Pastor Michael Pfleger as well as his twenty year association with Pastor Jeremiah Wight, provides good insight to his agenda on domestic policy that has shown his distain for this countries founding and our Constitution. He has firm beliefs that we are going in the wrong direction and it's his job, in his own words, " fundamentally change America" to reflect a more 'equalized' population through wealth redistribution.

If there every was any doubt about who Mr Obama is or what his intentions are, there isn't any more for most the population that has been paying attention to local, national and international events. And armed with this information and we don't act to end this "fundamental" change in November and the elections of 2016, we will suffer generations of economic and social damage from which we may never emerge.

I believe it's time to make the decision to rescue America. If we fail in this endeavor, subsequent generations will hold us all responsible for having the opportunity of saving our country from domestic destruction but, for reasons seemingly unknown to us, we stood down and lost the county on our watch because we failed to act in our own best interests.

It seems inconceivable that, we as a nation, could willingly vote ourselves out of existence.

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