Saturday, November 30, 2013

Progressive Socialism A Failing Ideology : Marxist-Leninism Failed As Well

When reading a article in The Weekly Standard by Ronald Radosh critiquing a book by Robert Gallately, "Stalin's Curse, Battling for Communism in War and Cold War", I found it most interesting how Stalin and the Soviets had no intention of changing their ways after the war in Europe. Gallately wrote, 'Marxist - Leninist ideology which Stalin saw as the guideline for the spreading the Soviet system elsewhere' would be the order of the day, a strategy to bring the entire world under the domination of Soviet style Communism. 

One of the paragraphs in Radosh's article stands out as it seems to clears out some of the cobwebs that the progressive left in America has in their thinking about socialist tendencies, policies, being workable or moral, and given how the left's economic policies that are being force fed to the American public are destroying our economic livelihood, the following has significant importance for our society now and for our future.

"One of Gallately's signal combustions is an explanation of why Stalin did not accept the Americans offer to extend the Marshall Plan aid to the soviet Union and it eastern European satellites. Stalin did not reject the offer because he was afraid of Western control of (his) economy rather he believed that any aid would lead to rapid economic heath and thus under mining his determination to communize the enter region."

If one has a civilized discussion with a member of the progressive socialist liberal left Democrat party concerning the attributes, failures of socialism, and the Soviet attempt, and failure, to bring prosperity to millions through the Marxist-Leninist ideology of an all powerful central government, the left Democrats retort by saying the Marxist-Leninist socialist system just needed more time to develop to be successful, i.e., "Each according to his abilities and each according to his needs".

And when the conservation comes around to why it didn't and couldn't work as planned with proof given the same ideology is at work today in our own country, and how it is failing in all aspects just like the old Soviet system failed, the once civilized conversation starts to become uncivilized.

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