Thursday, November 28, 2013

Impersonator Signed Affordable Health Care Bill : Mr Obama is Furious

It appears that Mr Obama is amazed to find out that the health care bill might have been signed by him or an impersonator, someone that looks like him. He ponders what he will do now to find out how all this place all the while he wasn't aware of it.

He said if he can not discover how this happened on his watch he will appoint a panel of experts in detection to uncover those responsible. Impersonating a president is  serious.

Mr Obama and experts at the Democrat National Committee believe it probably was some kind of trick by the Republicans sending a look-alike to cause mischief for Mr Obama.

A White house spokesman noted after Mr Obama's Rose Garden appearance explaining to the press and the American people how this happened, a congressional bill being signed by an impersonator, of which he nothing of it at the time, this investigation should be complete and on Mr Obama's desk for personal perusal in little more then three years, depending what other circumstances that might pop up to replace it on the schedule.

This investigation could take even longer but spokesperson was informed that Mr Obama is very up set that someone can just walk into the White House and signed a bill of this importance all the while he is in the same room completely unaware. Unacceptable.

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