Friday, November 22, 2013

Progessive Socialist Government Control : The New Way of Life?

I find it very difficult to understand how so many Americans, given the past history of Mr Obama, more then 40% of the population if you can believe the poles, trust Mr Obama and his progressive socialist liberal Democrat party to make our country a better place to live? ObamaCare?

The question that seems to be lost on these millions of individuals is, is our country better off today then it was five years ago? Who has benefited from the trillions of new spending debt and souring unemployment numbers causing poverty to rise at an alarming rate ?

Why isn't this a national tragedy?

The frustration level is becoming extreme when considering catastrophic failures in Mr Obama government like Fast and Furious gun running, Benghazi murders, federal agencies like IRS and FBI attacking Conservative groups to defraud an election, the census bureau's manufactured reports, attacks on the press by the DOJ, NSA attacks on public and private discourse and the lawlessness of the president using Executive privilege and orders to side step the law or ignore the law completely just because the law opposed his and his parties ideology.

Worse maybe is that when congress investigates all these corruptions by Mr Obama's administration of Constitution law, there never is any consequences, not one investigation has shown closure. Not one!

I guess the next question to be asked is will we accept this as the new norm or will we wake up to the fact our government is not acting in our best interests? Have the people become just pawns on the chess board of a government ideology where all things depend on a bureaucrat telling the people what they will do and when they will do it? Have we the people that oppose this ideology become enemies of the state?

It's time to give your thumbs a rest, lift your heads and look around to see what is coming your way. It's time to choose how we live as individuals with personal freedom or accept control by others as the new way of life. Stand up now or accept the bended knee. It's our responsibility and right to choose our destiny. To delay taking responsibility now will determine the fate of the country for generations to come.

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