Saturday, November 16, 2013

Progressive Reporters struggle with Reality But Core Beliefs Unchanged

One thing we all should remember when thinking the press has finally decided to do it's job of taking an over reaching government to task is this is only temporary, when push comes to shove in the next election, the press will fall back into it's mold of defending the ruling elite progressive socialist Democrats as they are part and parcel progressive socialist ruling elites as well.

Boombox #11It has and always will be about power, getting it and keeping it.

What they are doing now, questioning Mr Obama on the failure of ObamaCare, is only protecting their side from the criticism they aren't doing their job as journalists. It's a mind thing, they are struggling with a lot of broad based facts that are nearly impossible to spin to their advantage.

So to retain any legitimacy at all with the progressive liberal left base is to show some common sense in the wake of the ObamaCare disaster so when they go on the offensive next year, they will have some believability, 'street cred'.

But very important to understand, never forget who these people really are and that they will always be who they are no matter the circumstances. They are progressive liberal Democrats to their very core, and they see their job in this society as defenders of power "by any means necessary".

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