Sunday, July 07, 2013

Federal Reserve Bernake Winks, Markets Crash : Economy Working?

This is interesting - with the fed pumping $85 billion or more into the economy of monies we don't have, borrowing and printing money, raising the debt higher and higher which will require interest payments to go higher which means less money for other things, how this is a good thing? More debt is good?

What has changed over the last several years due to Quantitative Easing of trillions of dollars? Unemployment? Isn't this just what FDR did and it failed to fix the problem? What's going on here?

This is crazy! This is all smoke and mirrors to fool the population that we are actually fixing the problem when in reality it's about the next election. And of course this is always the elephant in the room that they seem to ignore, ObamaCare. Just what we all need now is another gigantic mandate to complete the disaster.

Troubling Taper Talk from Central Banks
Source: John H. Makin, "Troubling Taper Talk from Central Banks," American Enterprise Institute, June 26, 2013.
July 5, 2013

With the way central bankers have been behaving over the past month, you would think global inflation is picking up, economies are booming and financial bubbles are inflating further. Nothing could be further from the truth. Central banks all over the world ought to leave well enough alone rather than raising already-elevated uncertainty with talk of phasing down ("tapering," in U.S. parlance) quantitative easing, says John H. Makin, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.
Key points in Makin's study:
  • Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's recent vague comments on tapering of quantitative easing sent U.S. and global markets into a panic, demonstrating the danger of premature monetary austerity.
  • Rising market interest rates combined with falling inflation could lead to a rise in real interest rates that may harm economic recovery in the United States and other major economies such as China, Japan and Europe.
  • With the world's major economies stagnating or in outright recession and emerging economies such as Turkey and Brazil also struggling, central banks should leave well enough alone rather than risk another global recession.

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