Saturday, July 27, 2013

Environmentalism / Environmentalists Destroying America

I don't believe that most people will be happy living in a cardboard box and eating roots and slugs for survival. Yet many of us stand by while the environmentalists demand and get new regulations that stymie advancements in energy production, destroying jobs and a way of life we have come to know and enjoy.

The fact that there is no scientific facts involved in the demands from the environmentalists to scale back coal use or to stop 'fracking' for extracting oil and gas from hidden reaches under ground, has no effect in the written of more disastrous laws and regulations limiting the search and use of fossil fuel. Even the fact that more then 45% of all energy use in this country comes from coal alone means nothing.

To the environmentalists, it's feeling good about what needs to be down to achieve ones agenda. That lives are ruined is of little importance. Know the lives of the environmentalists will go unaffected.

Believe, this is all about the grab for power and control of the population through the gradual but sure reduction of fossil fuels as energy resources. The fact so many politicians buy into this destructive agenda leaves many questions unanswered.  That the result will be a collapse of the country is all the better for most environmentalists. Mission accomplished.

Sue and Settle Disrupts U.S. Checks and Balances
Source: CRS Staff, "'Sue and Settle': Secret Backroom Deals by Bureaucrats and Environmentalists Hurt the American Economy," Capital Research Center, July 5, 2013.
July 26, 2013

In a process known as sue-and-settle, activists sue government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), negotiate settlements with friendly bureaucrats, and obtain judicial decrees that have the force of law. This process twists laws and creates disruptive regulations while largely avoiding the scrutiny of Congress and the public, says the Capital Research Center.

These corrupt bargains undermine the democratic process and empower the likes of the Sierra Club (whose executive director has called for leaving more than two-thirds of the world's oil, coal and gas resources in the ground) and the Center for Biological Diversity (whose leader opposes all commercial use of public lands).

Sue-and-settle has resulted in numerous regulations being passed without congressional approval:
  • The federal government has effectively banned new coal-fired power plants and is in the process of shutting down old ones.
  • "Endangered species" that are neither endangered nor species are used by the federal government as tools to shut down the development of our country's natural resources and, incidentally, destroy jobs.
  • Environmentalists may block one of the most positive developments in years, the prospect of North American energy independence due to "fracking" (hydraulic fracturing) and new horizontal drilling technology.
Environ­mentalists file lawsuits against govern­ment entities such as the EPA or the Fish and Wild­life Service, and then meet behind closed doors with officials of those agencies to work out settlements of those lawsuits. These settlements almost invariably "force" EPA officials to take actions they wanted to take in the first place. Some­times the settlements actually increase the power of the bureaucrats themselves or their political-appointee bosses.

The settlements become consent de­crees, approved by judges, and bind the government. Judges usually rub­berstamp the agreements because both parties are in agreement and, seemingly, no controversy remains. All this is done without meeting any normal require­ments for public notice and with no chance for anyone to comment or intervene.

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