Thursday, July 04, 2013

America : 'Freedom means Having Nothing Else to Lose'

Political Cartoons by Nate BeelerNever forget who we are and where we came from - it is the very foundation of our existence.

The Declaration of Independence was not written over night and it was not accepted by everyone as a good idea. Many wanted to remain under the boot of English rule.

Change was to scary. It was easier to endure the hardship of a an overbearing government then to stand up to it's overreach with the possibility of losing everything include ones life.

It seems the same problem exists today in our country, many among us find it easier and more secure to accept excessive government regulation rather then risk security of a known quantity even when it means losing freedom to choose ones own destiny.

And here is the bottom line that drove our forefathers to stand and deliver no matter what the hardships that might come, many lost everything including their lives and fortunes, they knew what they had to do to escape the bondage of a government ruling them from afar.

Freedom to choose was the driving force for independence.

Finally, we have to understand what our forefather inherently knew when they took up arms against an over whelming force,

                              'Freedom means having nothing else to lose'.

I sincerely hope we haven't lost the spirit shown by those that gave the last full measure to secure our freedom so long ago, and we must remember all the millions that sacrificed everything to this date to do the same for all of us. God Bless America.

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