Tuesday, September 03, 2024

What? You Have An Opinion? : To Bad! Go to Jail!!

 The news from England that people with opinions that differ from what the government professes can be seen as endangering public safety and therefore reasons to be arrested, fined and jailed!

The communists are running wild across the Western world without any restrictions except there probably won't be enough jail space for all of the victims demanding free speech.

And know this, depending on what takes place on November the 5th, where Kamomala and the communist hordes taking control of our government to bring Barry's ''fundamental change'' to life, this scenario can and will be taking place in America.

For as long as can remember, they, the smartest in the room,
have always said it can't happen here. Now we know 
that's bullshit!!! It has been happening ever since
2015 and 2016 when the democraaats staged their first coup to 
over through the duly elected government of 
Donald Trump!

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