Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kamomala's ''Buy Back'' Gun Proposal! : You Must Kneel!!

It's amazing that so many people are unaware of what it will mean for everyone when the law-abiding population becomes unarmed and therefore unable to defend themselves from attack by criminals in and outside of Congress.

And the demand won't be just Kamomala and her communist friends from California and other sewers around the country, thirsting for more control and more money to feed their personal bank accounts. 

Many on both sides of the aisle who understand how important it is to be on the winning side in any debate or any confrontation for the ultimate grab for the total power over everyone and everything. Otherwise, the result of taking a stand for what's right and Constitutional will mean being forced out into the outer darkness without the opportunity to be invited to the next congressional victory party.

Everyone that is anyone will be there!! 

God forbid! The horror of it staggers the imagination!

So, why does Kamomala what to unarm the population!
Asking any democraaat for an answer will bring a rush of sweet
nothings about democracy and being safe in the arms of a
government that is all things for all people!

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