Thursday, September 05, 2024

Facts That Are Troubling! : What's The Problem? Who's On First!

 There isn't a problem because all that needs to be done is believe there never was a problem to begin with. Now, all is good. We have a candidate that was found to be without substance or worth by the voters during the primary when she ran in 2020.

And then in 2024, the party decided that their president from the fraudulent election in 2020 was not mentally able to represent the party, so they dumped him and replace him with another or even worse mentally challenged person to run in his place.

How does something like this take place? Were there any objections raised? dah!  Why would any good democraaat have an objection when leadership tells the party members how it had to be done and if they do have an objection, they keep to themselves. They aren't interested or concerned about what you think or what you have to say!

In a matter of hours, the party went from dumping kamomala
as a totally worthless candidate to being the next coming
of a savior to win the election.

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