Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What Happen On The ''View''? : A Mystery Transformation! Experts Puzzled!!

 The mystery of how this could have taken place, and no one noticed or commented for more than a week, has experts in all medial fields pulling on the chins and scratching their beards! 

This will be discussed for decades to come in medial seminars and round table and in media board rooms today where media experts find it must have been a right-wing undercover attack on the ladies of  the View, holding them captive at undisclosed location and then releasing these wild pigs to take their place in the studio. A true nightmare for modern television.

Still, television corporate big wigs won't discuss it and are contemplating how to prove the Republicans did this dastardly deed to the ladies of the View.

The View ladies and crew of the show have been sequestrated until further notice!

I don't see what they are talking about! What's changed?

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