Monday, September 09, 2024

I'm Voting Kamomala! : But Why? Be Honest!

We want to know who you are so we can understand why you are here?

Trying to figure out why someone would knowingly and willingly accept a statement as fact from someone who hasn't explained their own reasonings in any of the pressing matters or situations that demands clarification!

All She does is run away from questions that need answers if she wants to be a leader of the people!

It's extremely interesting that she hasn't detailed how she will solve even one of the major problems that this nation is facing that's due directly from decisions made by the candidate herself as vice president of the United States. The open border, crime in the streets, economic collapse for the middle classes due to extreme inflation and foreign wars spreading across two continents since she has taken office four years ago.

Oh, and why hasn't she done anything about these problems as she is still in power as Vice President?

Why is it that just her appearance on stage seems is enough for millions of voters, many are unmarried and educated, a major voting block 18 to 34 young woman who should know better. They arenn't stupid, right?

They applaud her even though she is someone that is totally transparent, that is they can easily see through her to where she came from, California, a state that is totally out of control, and that she has a video history for all to see that is in opposition to the founding of the country and our Constitution.

She has nothing of substance to offer as solutions to solve the problems in our civil society.  And yet the needy and simple-minded line up to vote for their own demise.

But why the hate? Are you better off now than when
Donald Trump was in running the country??

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