Friday, September 27, 2024

The Power for Control Is Ready: But She Doesn't Have A Clue!!

Kamomala has the power of the presidency as we speak as she is vice president and the president Joe Biiyden is asleep on the beach in Delaware and she will have it until January 21, 2025, when Trump will take over the levers of power.

But she will do nothing of the kind as she has no idea what to do! Shew is living in a bubble of self-gratification. 

If you haven't notice up to now, she finds it very difficult to even have some kind of even the simplest subjective discussions on topics like policy or just everyday living. (She is experiencing difficulties with her third-grade education, it's not doing her any favors!)

Kamomala is beyond parody.

Who cares! Life is short so take all that is available now
from others because when Barrrack takes over for his
fourth term, the transformation will be significant.

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