Tuesday, September 17, 2024

By Any Means Necessary! : There Are No Limits for Victory!!

 Are we just bunch of deer in the headlights watching from the sidelines as absolute catastrophic events are taking place right now that will eventually change our way of life for generations if not longer?

The attack by a gunman on Donald Trump for a second time in two months is just the beginning for the democraaats to ensure a victory??? Remember what they did to protect themselves from exposure by and to Seth Rich? Vincent Foster? Jeffery Epstein?

The blood bath scenario, the Russians are coming again, the border is totally over run, our cites are under attack with crime and corruption in government, the justice system is broken, foreign wars are ramping up in several countries and others are getting ready to being.

But the biggest threat of all is the totally corrupted mainstream media lying about it all!

The question that remains is what to do now to not allow this disaster to unfold. How to impress the citizens on the importance of getting out and vote early to ensure we can count ever vote possible that will secure this nation for freedom and liberty for at least 4 more years. 

After that the fight will begin again.

Know this, more critical events are sure to come as
November approaches and the Marist democraaats look
like they are losing the election. 

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