Monday, September 23, 2024

The Media IS The Biggest Threat to Democracy : Journalism is Dead!

One of the most important debates we have as citizens in this country is who or what is the most threating threat to our way of life. The loudest rants come from those that fear someone is coming to bring common sense and a successful government back to Amecia.

And at the same time, the entire time the mainstream media is knowingly and willingly supporting those rants for the corruption and chaos we are subjected to will continue as it has for the last 4 years.

Life would be just to difficult if the people once again are given the power to control their own destinies. Marxist liberated democraaats cannot allow that to happen as what they wouldn't have anywhere to go. 

And a liberated Marxist democraaat without power is a non-person! A nobody left to curse the darkness!

Be very afraid of the mainstream media as they are not here
 to help but to harm the civil society.

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