Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Who Has Your Back? : Vote Like You Know!

 We are breaking new ground in this Republic, this federation of states, where one candidate running for president is an admitted and unabashed communist in her agenda and ideology.

It's easy to understand given her years of political activism in the once great state of California whereas the saying goes, ''Everything is beyond parody''! A one-party state, a Marxist liberated democraaat nightmare running roughshod over everything and everybody, have created a piss hole of confusing, chaos, conflict and abject poverty for the middle-class citizen. 

There are only two classes in California, those that have and those that don't. Those that are at the levers of power and those that just get 'shit and shoveled in it''!

Little wonder why 100's of thousands of citizens are fleeing that state every year.

The democraaats  have by design of their agenda and ideology a hell's sewer of corrupt politics ending in out-of-control crime and destruction of any kind of law and order to achieve a civil society that a citizen can raise a family and live a life with Secuity and prosperity.

If you don't believe this is what she is all about, then you
will get the government you voted For.

Again and again, living on your knees isn't so bad once
you get used to it!

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