Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Life Without Thought or Conequence! : Kamomala's Marxist Success!

 ''All those years living in California taught me want I want to do with my life, and I knew instinctively what i needed to do to make it happen.''

The plethora of video tape proof of all those years working her way up the ladder of success was a true story of how to work the system to one's advantage. Some people you have to step on and others you have to - - you what else it takes to get and keep power!

 The people are just pawns, tools to accomplish the task for
positions of personal power for controlling her own life
at the expense of others.

She knew California one party system worked wonders
for establishing her confides as a real and serious player.

Willy Browm, mayor of San Fransico was a major player
in her rise to power.

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