Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Wolf At The Door! : A Disguise Is Not Needed!

We see you and we know who you are! 

The old saying concerning the wolf wearing the sheep skin to fool its pray to become an easy target for its next meal applies here during the election run up for President. 

Kamomala's lifetime history of politics is recorded and available to all who care about the survival of the nation as it was founded 250 years ago. And about all those that have given their last full measure for decades to sustain that heritage for posterity.

Doesn't it seem foolish if we know a danger is lurking but we still ignore the signs that are stark and obvious all around us and yet we willingly step on the trap door unable to stop before the enviable fall to ruin.

Millions are waiting in line today to do just that.

What happens when the main is shaved off the lion
or removing the spots from the leopard, do they become
something less than what we know them to be?

Or maybe if we don't know who they really are no matter
what they look like and even act out their instinctive behavior, 
then maybe as well we deserve what happens next!

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