Saturday, September 14, 2024

The History of England? : But America Is Ready to Kneel As Well?

 After what has happened lately in England with the horrors of the destruction of free speech, where you will be sent to jail if it is determined, by the government, your speech is counterproductive for government institutions and mandates, or it is determined dangerous to public safety.

Little is left to wonder when America's jails will begin to fill as well with law breakers! Oh wait, they already are with January 6th patriots who protested at the capital but now could begin to fill in earnest shortly after November 5th if the California Marxist socialist liberated democraaats takes the White House!!

Remember, she told us for years what she believes and wants to bring California's best innovating laws and brightest new and rewarding legislation to the nation capital for the revealing of America's next revolution.

The applause is deafening as millions rise to their collectively feet in acceptance for the new leadership for change begins with the ceremonies of turning off the lights in the shining city on the hill. As the crowd knows it was too bright anyway, it just forced us to make decisions that were too difficult. Living in darkness makes our problems less freighting.

"When ignorance is bliss, tis' folly to be wise!''

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