Tuesday, September 24, 2024

And What Does It Mean for America!! : Kamomala Hates Success!

 Why not vote for failure? For the last 4 years that's all we have had coming from the Marxist liberated democraaats. The people seems to sense this but to change the way they do things; many just can't make the switch back to having a future.

What they have now is having to make the decision where they will be living next year if they vote for the status quo. Do we live in a cardboard box or a dumpster behind Walmart. Millions of good citizens are ready and willing to do just that!

This shouldn't be a hard decision, but we are talking about people that have always been plagued with making bad decisions. Some believe it's DNA!

''Tell us Kamomala, what do you really want for America?''

Always vote like you are told because otherwise you will 
find out there really is a brighter day ahead but which in turn
will bring the stress of having to making decisions for yourself.

Therefore, that must never happen!!

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