Thursday, September 05, 2024

Donald Trump Is and Was Right! : History IS Proof Enough?

It's always a difficult having a debate with a Marxist liberated democraaat that denies there is any connection to what happened before our nightmare began just 4 years ago when democraaat Joe Biiyden stole the presidency and began his epic journey to drive to fundamental change to Ameria with neo-communist socialism destroying the country as founded.

And also, with the help of historic fact, the country is in free fall everywhere one looks, from crime the streets, social and economic collapse, an illegal immigration and disaster two wars on going around the world with possibility of several more on the way.

What more can go bad with the election of Marxist liberated democraaats at the levers of power for four more years?

Just consider what will result with 4 more years of what we have witnessed over the last 4 years, and then vote to make sure how our lives will be changed for generations to come. What joy!!

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