Tuesday, September 24, 2024

What IS The Truth? : Who And What Is Kamomala?

 Leadership is what America needs now more than anything else today. But how will that need be filled if the leader is a third grader!?

Just what are her most basic skills does she bring to the job?

Some experts believe that Kamomala is mentally compromised to the point where she not only won't do interviews or go one on one with the population but is not cognitively able to do that. 

Kamomala Harris is, according to medical experts, has the mental capacity of a third grader and came educated in a school system that is corrupted with an administration and teachers that are mentally incompetent as well!!

So, the question remains, how in the hell did she get a law degree and how in the hell did she get to be a district Attorney of San Franisco? Who did she know in San Fransico? Did she do her due diligence under Willy Brown who was the mayor to get the job? dah!

And then AG of the state of California??? Who in California did she ''know''? Come on man, who else did she get to know on the way up the ladder of ''success'' with just a third-grade education??

''Achtung! I know nothing! But hang on until I might win
the chance to bring more good news to make your life
even better!''

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