Thursday, September 26, 2024

What Is At Stake In November? : The Freedom to Choose!

Kamomala's ''green new deal'' will bring California's nightmare of an ever-decreasing supply of electrical power to the entire country. Black outs and brown outs will be the order of the day, not the exception.

Living in darkness mentally and physically will be routine!

And what about government health care only proposal, crime rampant without police protection, our enemies know Kamomala will deal if the rewards large enough, elimination of the Supreme Court, not just packing the court and the freedom to choose will be no more for generations to come.

I'm getting nervous! Come on people, when we see our worst nightmare unfolding before our very eyes and ears, we still don't seem to grasp what we have to lose if we don't wake up to reality.

''Freedom means having nothing else to lose!''

Just imagine if your phone only works once in a while!

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