Monday, September 30, 2024

Project 2025! : Kamomala Explains Her Policies! Finally!!

Everyone has heard the PSA's over and over again on the radio until it becomes just static babble and turn the sound down until it goes away! If you are not room temperature, you know it was manufactured propaganda using Trumps edited voice in places and then they added the lies concerning what Trump will do if elected. 

Project 2025 is Kamomala Harris's polies for the country. Blaming Trump is just another side show to cover her personal ambitions for power! This what and who she really is and always has been! Failing to understand this will be our demise!

The question now is, 'are you better off now than when Trump was president?' dah!! 

Like most everything else that has anything to do with Kamomala's entire campaign for president, it is all made up trash as she has nothing else to offer as policy. Even her history in California as the AG is a lie, she did nothing of substance as Attorney Gerneral of California that she can point to as supporting her claim as being tough on drugs and criminals.

It is all a lie, she is a total embarrassment to the state of California and now the country is suffering her cackling presence on the national stag every day.

The question one has to ask, ''Can we afford another Joe Biiyden or worse for another 4 years" if she becomes president?

Vote like it will be your last chance to be free to
choose your own destiny!!

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