Wednesday, September 04, 2024

The Ultimate In Wealth Redistribution: Kamomala's Climate Change Fraud!

 The Marxist liberated democraaats know just how easy it is to dupe the general public into doing things that they know isn't unattainable.

And yet given how anyone with any common sense understands you can't spend more and more money that will eventually change the weather. 

Sadly, there are millions of good citizens that still believe what our government tells them is the truth.

Every year the lunatic hoard is more than ready to pay 
whatever is demanded of them to enrich those at the
levers of power
Kamomala was the deciding vote in the Senate and
the second bill, as a stimulus bill, along with the inflation act  
cost the taxpayer $trillions and caused inflation to 
destroy the economy for middle class citizens.

And Kamomala knows this as she
comes from California where the people are dumbed 
down to such an stent that no matter how absurd
the demand, the people take knee and open 
their wallets!

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