Friday, September 13, 2024

Kamomala's Policy Retreads Listed : Even Old Joe's Losing Agenda!

 One would think something like this that is so extremely without valid personal integrity could be unleased on the general public and then demand we all disbelieve our lying eyes; it couldn't happen in Amecia. 

Where someone is so without any ethical and moral founding that she can lie straight faced with enthusiasm to her base about what she intends for the county. 

But no, she is a totally vacant individual for processing intellectual programs and ideas other than her California dreams of, ''One power to control all other powers''' and by any means necessary! 

And worse, she has powerful people waiting in the darkness to guide her into creating a nightmare of a Marxist economic socialist disaster that will be left for generations to come to suffer.

She and they mean to do us all harm!

Truly, we are in uncharted waters with the lee shore in sight!!

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