Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rod Serling's Newest Episode of The Twilight Zone! : democraaats Without A Kennedy!!! Weird!

 ''Just imagine if you will in an election for the most powerful job in the world and your moat magnificent political icon decides to switch parties!!!''

Yikes! The democraaats fear for an all-powerful government in the hands of Marxist liberated democraaats as they see it starting to slip away when they were so close to winning the grand prize.

They believed their lass minute effort of getting rid of the current brain dead  democraaat president and replacing him with an even more controllable person who is totally without any moral or ethical bindings that will be her guiding strategy if she becomes president of the United States!

The entire collective accepted her as their new icon for who and what they are today. The face of the Marxist newly liberated democraaat collective, formerly the democrat party!

 Little wonder than why Robert Kennedy is supporting Donald Trump! He can't believe or tolerate the corruption of his family name being associated with anything so un American!

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