Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Kamomala Is Sliding Into Oblivion? : Jack Smith to The Rescue!!

 And now for their next act to defy reality, Jack Smith brings yet another indictment of Donald Trump they believe will be the final blow to destroy any opposition to their California Marxist empty suit candidate to rule the world.

The dark side actors know Kamomala will be even easier to control than old Joe as she may not be mentally compromised with dementia like Joe, but she is totally without moral or ethical restraint or substance, ready and more than willing to be used and or abused just for the sake of being on center stage.

Her history precedes her emergence on center stage! You can run but you can't hide!

She is the perfect stand-in for the deep state actors that know this election in November will be their best chance to solidify their power in Washington for the next several generations of American citizens who have no idea what it means to be without freedom. 

But for the Marxist liberated democraaats, absolute power for absolute solutions to all things!

Will the darkness that follows her from California will be
what takes her down? Maybe but the tale of compromise
will have the last laugh for all of us waiting in the wings!

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