Saturday, September 07, 2024

Betrh Doesn't Know Who She's Voting For, Yet! : A Fool's Worst Nightmare!!

 Voices in the darkness whispering 'Beware of things you don't understand!' It bodes poorly for your survival as a free person living in a free country. 

There are no guarantees for the freedom to choose, only the opportunity to decide which path to take at the fork in the road!

Remember, 'chose with no regret!' Step out of line! Do it now!  You have only one chance to do the right thing, and failing in this task will determine your future and that of your family for generations to come.

Psalm 30-5, ''Weeping endures for the night but joy comes in the morning!'' is always a good place to be. But never forget, there are forces afoot to make sure the light of day that brings joy will be very dim, if not extinguished if you vote for people who want to turn the lights off!

But never fear, when the bell tolls in the dark, know it
tolls for you!

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