Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Vote democraaat Like There's No Tomorrow! : democraaat Promises Given and Kept!?

Why is it that they are clever enough to plead innocent to disasters they create? Even with the country economically collapsing and world is on fire in every aspect, they say they can fix it with another 4 years with their political brilliance, excellent projects for American prosperity threw thoughtful hard work for the people.

She's lying! Her values have not changed!

The truth is in the video tape that follows her and explains where and how she is lying. She is and always has been a Marxist liberated  democraaat socialist and she means to do us all harm.

After twenty years of California dreaming, there is nothing left of her soul but darkness and corruption,

How in the hell did she get this far with no one voted for her?

Who is responsible for this nightmare?

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