Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kamomala Wants to Know Who Wrecked The Economy!?

 democraaats need to look no further than their collective mirror. Neo-communist agendas, theories and ideologies throughout history have never worked and never will.

Even from our most distant ancestries that came here in 1620, landing at Plymouth Harbor, Cape Code, the Pilgrams, who were escaping religious tyranny, found that old country monarchy socialist tendencies, kings ruled the land, and government organizations based on their power was a corrupted lifestyles of the rich who ruled absolutely, didn't work for them to product the food they needed to survive. 

They started out where everyone was to share in the labor to grow the needed crops to live but it failed because some of the congregation didn't do their fair share of the work but still wanted their share of the produce. The result was many of the flock died their firsts winter of starvation and the cold.

As a leader, William Bradford suggested a government style that gave everyone their plot of land and to work it as they saw fit and then traded with others among the flock and even the local Indians, to meet their individual needs.

The beginning of a capitalistic sociality that worked perfectly!

Signing the Mayflower Compact that sought to 
organize the Pilgrims to work together.

                                                         But now the communists find their

                                            style of government is a failure. But whose fault it?

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