Sunday, September 29, 2024

A 20% Food Inflation Rate Isn't A Problem!? : America Is Too Fat Anyway!!

The Marxist liberated democraaats believe that if they can drive most of the citizens into early graves, they will have a better chance of stealing anything and everything of worth for themselves!

Here's one for the books, the Marxists are kicking around the idea of paying off not just the student debt but credit card debt as well. Do yeah think we are in trouble now? Just wait for that to happen!!!!

Again, as the saying goes, ''The democraaats will knowingly and willingly destroy the country just for the chance to feed on the dead carcass!''

Everything the Marxist democraaats have done to force the 
citizens into the trap of government dependence has failed. But
never fear they will be back with more free money to save
their dreams for control.

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