Sunday, September 22, 2024

Does Vlad Wants Trump to Win!? : Yes, He Wants to Stop The War!!!

Kamomala has doners to satisfy and the majority of them are leaders in the military industrial complex. Money talks her language. Where there is a lot of money there is also the power for control.

So, it makes good sense that she, her handlers that is, want the war to have no end. The bigger and widespread the better. Having NATO fully engaged will work wonders for the bottom line.

Do they want nuclear war, probably not but if there's good money in making nuclear war heads and missiles, they are ready and willing to do their duty.

Remember, the talk about misinformation and disinformation
from the Marxist liberated democraaats about Republicans just
means they are fully in gaged in doing just that. 

The lying is rampant and sinister from the Marxist communists
as they have absolutely nothing else to use to convince the
general public they relevant in the larger civil society.

The truth is they don't care about being honest and fore coming
in their message to the people, it's only about taking control and
keeping it to use and abuse others by any means necessary!

And they are ruthless and committed to their agenda
and ideology. There are no limits to what they will do to win.

Donald Trump is witness to that! Twice!!

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