Monday, March 18, 2019

The National DNC Agenda To Regain Power : No Tactic To Absurd And Discusting, Dangerous

Now how does this make you feel when you see on national television unabridged hate and contempt for the president of The United States coming from the new wave democrats?

This is a new exception to the rule? Not a chance. This demonstration of resistance is so blatantly offensive, disgusting and dangerous for reasonable debate of issues, is now the new norm.

Who gives a dam about the country, this is about the fight for power!

When a political party has nothing else to offer the general public to advance their lives in a positive way as Donald Trump has, the democrats use hate and political identity to divide the nation as a tool to take advantage of the ignorant and innocent.

There are no limits, only the power for control will be enough to satisfy the greed and lust for power.
The face and posture of contempt and hate. AThe county be dammed! 
There cannot be any limits to regaining their power for 
control and by any means necessary.

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