Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Study Shows Students Prefer Socialism to Capitalism : Stupidity Knows No Bounds

A study by the PEW organization found that now more then 60% of college age people and younger believe that socialism is a better fit for them to gain prosperity then capitalism.

A huge percentage of the 60%, more then 40% believe Venezuela's problems are not from socialism or communism. They believe it is the greed of capitalism.

How can this be? These students and others are living the dream of a free nation and yet they have a hate for freedom itself.

Hateful ignorance is self destruction. A Self-fulfilling stupidity.

Are they willing to give up the very foundation of living in a free nation just because they are unaware of the truth about what is actually going on in socialsit and communist states like Venezuela, even when shown video of the catastrophic events taking place on nearly a daily basis in Venezuela, but still they can't believe socialism is the root cause of failure?

Remember the lyrics from the song Me and Bobby McGee, ''Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose, Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free"  Freedom means having everything, but once gone, it can't be revived without huge sacrifices.

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