Thursday, March 14, 2019

Liberal democrats Are Exposed : No Issues - No Ideas for Success, Only A Failure to Deliver

Facts? Not necessary. The truth? Who cares. It has never been about either of these philosophical items. It is now and always has been only about the ''seriousness of the charge''. It's just easier to accuse someone of a crime and then demonize them when they are forced to defend themselves.

It works every time. Bret Kavanuagh? democrats have always used this tactic to destory the opposition.

But what exactly is the larger agenda here for the porgressive socialsit liberal democrats? What exactly drives them for their unrelenting hatred for Donald Trump? That he won fair and square exposing their democrat candidate as a criminal and a three time loser? That he is doing all the things necessary to actually improve the living conditions for hundreds of millions of people?

Simply, he's succeeding where all others before him have failed? He is exposing the true corruption of the present political structure of both major political parties and therefore Trump has to be destroyed? The swamp must be protected.

The progressive socialists are screaming he must be stopped before he is able to accomplish even more campaign promises that will make the liberal democrats look extremely bad in the run-up to 2020.

democrats invade the civil society with no issues or accomplishments.
No matter, more chaos and conflict, More hate.

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