Thursday, March 14, 2019

Seperated Children In Cages At the Border : Help Is needed And Coming.

It's the children that are hurt the most by Trumps wall. If the border was open to all, this tragic child would not have been left to fend for himself. Dam Trump and those horrible republicans.!

democrats say they know the pain of a child that is abandoned at
the border due to Trumps hateful border wall.

democrats are angry that Trump is not doing more to add the children coming across the southern border unaccompanied or separated at the boarder. according to the liberal press hie was kept in a cage for god sake. It was strongly suggested that he be shipped to Washington DC were the good people there  will take care of him until he can find his parents. It might take years but it's the right thing to do. It was also strongly suggested that the good people in the DC District giving him a place to live, money to live on and a car to drive so he can search for his parents. It was rumored that several of the city official suggested he be given a weapon so he can defend himself against some to the more agresssove elements that exist in that district. It is a rough area where he will be sent to live, and the police are very busy with other duties in Washington like protest marches and clashes with taxpayers.

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