Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How And Why Socialism Doesn't Work : The Roots For Reality Are Dead

Pat Cross Cartoons
The progressive socialist liberals have no idea how real people
live and work. In truth, it's not about real people, it's about the 
agenda, the ideology for power for control.
The reason this blub doesn't work is for the same reason the progressive socialsit liberal democrats voted for Hillary.

It's not about reality, it only about the agenda, the ideology of taking from others for prosperity.

But now they have become mentally reduced in capacity as a result they lost the election that they knew she would win. The socialist bet their mental stability on the fact she couldn't lose.

But when they realized during their darkest hour on that fateful night in 2016 when the voters turned them out and the the true believers  realized they no longer were in power, the progressive liberal democrats became different people. They were literally mentally changed in an instant from semi-rational people into a crazed and dysfunctional mob from which they will never recover.

And now the Green New Deal is beyond comprehension. This has to be a smoke screen to get attention. AOC probable dreamed this up while  tending bar. It gets really boring sometimes.

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