Saturday, March 30, 2019

democrat Muller's Attack Found Nothing : They Knew It From The Beginnng. It Was A ''Coup"

It never was about collusion or obstruction, it was always about the ''seriousness of the charge''. 
Facts are not needed for talking points even when they ae found out to be false, managed, constructed lies, it's always about the talking point to destory the opposition.

And as the masters of the talking points, the progressive socialist liberal democrats and associated in the main stream media, the results of the most sinister, viciously pathologically treacherous of these criminal attacks has been the Mueller nightmare, the attacks on the president of the United Stars and to over through the government is beyond what the common person can understand.

This can't really be happening in America.

Are the democrats this corrupt that they would be willing to actually try and overthought the duly election government just because they lost an election????  There never was any collusion and Muller knew this before he took the job, as Assistant AG Rosenstein knew it was a scam months before it was ever made public and he appointed Muller to investigate.

It was a criminal operation from the beginning as most every one knew it was. A $25 million scam, a political attack on the president of the United States, a ''coup'', by definition -

''A coup, or more formally, a coup d’état, is generally defined as a seizure of a state by members of the military, or other figures high-up in a national government.  

The democrats were and still are fully involved in the criminal effort to over-through the legitimately elected government of the Untied States. This is treason and must be exposed as such.

A political psychosis of hate born of a pathological need for power.

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