Monday, March 18, 2019

AOC's Degree In Economics With Honors(BYU) : $210,000 In Debt?

This is interesting in that she graduated, with honors in economics from a university, BYU, that charges $70,000 tuition while working in a bar, hailed as an economic genius and by proclamation the leader of the progressive socialist liberal democrat collective.

Now, in light of what is happening across our great nation with buying desired education outcomes, please explain how she was able to obtain this fantastic degree in economics that at a cost of at least $210,000?

Goodness sakes, what has happened to our university system? Oh wait, could it be what you say out loud that matters more then what actually is reality. Ideology counts for more then facts?

1 comment:

Art and Whimsy said...

AOC didn't go to Brigham Young. She went to Boston Univeersity