Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Clintions Are Perfect Deomcrat Candidates : Lawless and Shamless

Democrats will vote like there's no tomorrow to elect more insane people. And when Hillary and Bill win, the democrat voters will understand what it means to not have a tomorrow. Or will they? Not likely? No way!

And having a résumé's like this is just good democrat politics, and perfect reasons to vote for them. Of course, they left out negligent homicide for Benghazi, and treason for her personal email server. But who cares and really it doesn't matter, they're democrats. Everyone never expects democrats to be honest or trustworthy. It's just what they are. Republicans, or course most be held to higher standards, and if they step out of line, they are gone. Can you imagine a Republican with a resume like this running for president? Please!

Maybe the best way to explain the ideology of the democrat voter is to understand that the TV show, "The Walking Dead" was fashioned after the action of the democrat party and it's voters.

The producers saw so many comparisons between dead zombies and democrat voters, that they thought it was a perfect fit. And as we all know, it's a smashing success. WOW - who knew.

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