Monday, April 18, 2016

America Approaching the Cliff? : $15/hr Chaos

Icarus Wage
Hey, the progressives all lined up to vote for this, twice, so when all the rest of us that have to join them in soup and bread line, as there isn't any money left as no one works any more, to give the unemployed stuff that the progressive socialist democrats and their union lackeys promised if they voted for them, chaos will rule the day.

But now the victims of those Republicans whose repressive demands that people work for a living, and that no longer can get their free stuff or the huge wages for doing nothing but got laid off, become angry, all hell will breaker loose in streets of America.

The result will be a government actions to stop the raging river of tolerant leftists burning down cities, Mr Ogbjma and his fellow progressive socialists, that designed this disaster of income redistribution by class division and warfare, and it's called the end game for control. Martial Law.

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