Monday, February 03, 2014

Individual Freedom Taken, Lost : America In Survival Mode?

Ever wonder how Mr Obama ideology of "fundamental" change will effect everyone that won't bend the knee to the progressive socialist democrats that now control or government?

The officials that decided the children had to give up their food because their account had insufficient funds didn't take the food for that reason, they took the food because of their own over-riding ideology of singular power of control over others dictated the action. That this concerned small children did not enter their conscience.

Their is no compassion in progressive socialism, only the power to control. This is the true face of Mr Obama and his allies in the democrat party.

Ever wonder why more then 50 million people are on food stamps, Medicaid is growing faster the ObamaCare, Medicare Social Services has added thousands of new recipients in the last few years, more then 3 million jobs that were here in 2008 are now gone for ever, that there are more then 90 million people under employed and unemployed (25+ million)  and real unemployment is now over 16%?

Does any of this ring any bells? Is this lost on the general public? Do ya think? Yeah, I think most among us, that exercises their thumbs more then their collective brains, have no clue what is trending their way.

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