Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Debt Bomb is Coming : Progressives Want More Spending

Publicly Held Debt Set to Skyrocket
It seems the common thread that runs through the mind of most liberal democrats is that we need to have another stimulus to prime the economy the first one didn't do the job as we didn't spend enough.

But this time it has to be twice a big as the last one - but when asked where the money will come from, $1.6 trillion, they believe we will have to borrow it.

 Asked who will lend it to us when we have no chance to pay back the $17.4 trillion that we own now, the progressive socialists are not sure as it seems the Chinese are tapped out at this time.

But no matter, cutting spending and lower tax rates never came up as a viable solution to kick start the economy back to prosperity.

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